covers ✧

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Covers ✧

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Covers ✧

Student sitting at desk in anime style

Playlist Covers

MUSIC (ongoing)

Short selection of playlist cover art I've had the pleasure of designing. If you'd like me to design one for you, hit me up.

IKEA USA requested 3 playlist designs for a set of sleep-inducing tunes

Created this playlist to spend a Friendsgiving with friends this year.

That was the radio I had growing up in the 2000s, so the design was inspired by it 🥹

Spent the 2023 holidays guessed it: Seattle.

Photo of me taken by @izaac_crayton after watching a night screening of Across the Spiderverse in Denver, CO. Edited by me.

Suggested a collab playlist with coworkers, but I ended up adding the most songs lmao

Somebody at work asked me what music I liked so I made them a playlist.

Another trip to the West Coast with my siblings.


Designer: Me

💜 from Brooklyn

🐧 Designed by Me